
We've talked about Mens Pocket Watches. Now let's talk about Tie Tacks!

Mens Pocket Watches and ties you’ve got. But the question is, do you have a tie tack? Yup, a tie tack, the elegant, forever classy clip the secures your tie and prevents it from flopping around all over the place.

Putting on a tie tack can be quite the operation - it’s actually called “donning” and you can never go wrong with donning this fashionable accessory. So let’s go over the basics and learn how to don a tie tack.

First of all, remember to match your tie tack to your overall appearance. A tie tack should match the tie and your silver cufflinks just like belt has to match your shoes. You don’t want to go wrong there… You also don’t want to use a too gentle tie with the tie tack because you’re actually going to punch a hole in the middle of the tie.

Now there are two parts to your tie tack which include the pin and the base. The pin is the part that looks nice and goes over the tie while the base is the part with the chain that’s used to secure the pin:
  • Choose the right height and unbutton your shirt at that location.
  • Slip the chain into the button hole and secure it with the little metal piece.
  • Button up and push the tie tack, slow and easy, through your tie at the same place that you secured the base. Insert the pin into the hole that’s in the base and voila! You got your tie tacked!
For more info and a wide selection of tie tacks, visit us online at www.TimeinGold.com!


Harry potter said...

Good information here. Thanks for sharing.

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